Environment Day at Prayas Jubilation Centre Jahangir Puri June 2016

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Environment Day at Prayas Jubilation Centre Jahangir Puri June 2016

World Environment Day (WED) is observed every year on June 5 to raise global awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet Earth. It is run by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The rapidly increasing ill effects of environmental destruction and pollution in metropolitan cities, hill stations and villages motivated four of our members to organize different kinds of activities in their areas to address the needs of the present day. Each of these activities were held with different social actors with different age groups and target audience. Kathak Dharohar along with Prayas Juvenile Center organized drawing competition and tree plantation programme for more than 300 homeless and disabled children at the centre. The theme of the drawing competition was their understanding of the environment today and was organised for two age groups 8-14 and 15-20 years. Certificates were distributed to all along with special prizes organized by the volunteer members to the winners of the competition. Special lunch was served to all. The portrayal on paper by children from underprivileged backgrounds was a sight to watch.


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